Friday, March 27, 2009

My "Powerful" List

A couple of months ago I read a blog entry about things that made the author feel powerful and have been thinking since then about what makes me feel powerful. Aside from the personal obvious things like scripture study, prayer, etc. I have been thinking of things that make the little girl in me pump her fist and say "YES!":

1. Successful creative expression (music, birthday cakes, girls' hair,...) most often gauged by positive audience/customer response.

2. Driving anywhere without any red lights.

3. A sincere compliment about one of my kids.

4. Finishing any project.

5. Shaving with no nicks.

6. Cooking and serving a healthy family dinner everyone likes. (This one is very exciting because it is so rare!)

7. A good workout sweat.

8. Gladly opening the door wide and inviting "drop-in" guests into my home because it is so CLEAN and I have no doors that need to be closed. OK--maybe this is fantasy but I'm sure it would make me feel powerful!

9. Eating food from my garden. (Also rare due to my little baby seed of garden skills.)

10. Staying awake for an entire movie in my family room.

That's mostly it. My number 8 fantasy could be extended to include fresh warm bread to serve to the guests and my kids would all be there not fighting. I have no idea what they would be doing but I'm sure in my fantasy there would be no arguing, teasing, fighting, or contention of any kind. Probably they would be voluntarily weeding the garden outside or playing a quiet board game. Or maybe they would be cleaning out the refrigerator since they had already finished scouring the bathrooms and cleaning under their beds. I love fantasy--maybe I should write about more of those someday.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I want to live in your fantasy world with you. I could be the next door neighbor (aka dropin who witnessess the immaculate house)