Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Martha Stewart Day

My very productive Martha Stewart Day included (in no particular order) 50 minutes of vigorous elliptical work, a shower (it is true that even after a good workout I don't always get a shower--gross, I know, but it's my reality), baking bread, cleaning out the fridge, teaching piano (even to Iy), starting & finishing a week's worth of laundry, reading, reading to N, listening to Ev, sending Et out to his piano lesson (yes this is a chore), participating in a Congressman's Town Hall phone meeting (I even made a comment. Of course.), reading aloud from Sea of Monsters to the kids, personal recreational reading, cooking dinner, volunteering at the school, and straightening the house--including making my bed.

This morning I am reminded why I don't have days like these more often. I went out to start the car and it wouldn't start. It turns out that when I was being productive, so were my kids. Apparently N's idea of a Martha Stewart Day is playing in the car. So many fun switches. Every light was left on. Maybe today I'll just take him to the park. As I'm writing this Iy has locked Et out of the house. After me yelling to unlock the door he entered laughing maniacally. Maybe I should stop blogging and see what's going on.


Anonymous said...

I'm still very impressed! I hope you don't mind that I shared the laundry story. Your dedication and follow through still amaze me. You are great!

The Rich's said...

Love it Linnea! Love the funny stories and just everyday happenings! Love you guys and can't wait to see all of you soon!