Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Miss Ivy

I have noticed that every time I say something to Ivy I add something like:

Do it Fast!
RIGHT now!

Sometimes I say all three and more.

This became fairly obvious when we pulled up into the church parking lot on Sunday and I got out of the car and turned to get the kids but didn't have to because Ethan was all over that. Echoes of myself: "Come on! Get out of the car!! NOW! NOW! NOW! GO! GO! GO!" It was military style. Very loud and punctuated. I realized that other moms in the parking lot stopped and stared at us as Ethan marched Ivy and Nathan into the church.

Maybe you wonder why Ivy's middle name is Hurry? I've never known anyone else who spends 40 minutes going number one on the toilet. Don't even ask about number two. She has to take her bath last or the other people won't get a turn....or hot water. I wake her up at 6:30 and by 8:00 she MAY be dressed, will have used the bathroom, and spent the last 15 minutes eating 2 bites of breakfast. Most mornings we forget about combing her hair. She practices the piano almost as much as Eva because after each song she "seat dances" on the bench singing/chanting the lyrics to her songs. Sometimes she gets off the bench to get the full effect. The dentist may not believe it but it takes more than two minutes for her to brush her teeth. It takes 7 days for Ivy to put her laundry away. The first day she puts it somewhere in her room. This takes her 30 minutes, in which time I assume she has put it away. 7 days later when we collect the dirty clothes we find her clean clothes on the floor or under her bed or wrapped up in her blankets or tucked under her pillow or shoved between her bed and the wall... I always wonder what she does in the 30 minutes between the living room and her dresser.

Ivy is fond of saying, "That's not true...I'm not slow...I can do that in a couple of seconds!" Maybe she is closer to the veil than the rest of us and runs on Heavenly Father's time!


One Fish said...

She must have gotten it from her Uncle Scott. I always tell him he has no sense of urgency and since I have an overdeveloped sense of urgency it makes me crazy!

remiengang said...

How old is Ivy??? She sounds like an exact replica of Sydney!!!! Maybe they were separated at birth!! :)

Stacy said...

Sounds very much like Ashlynn. That child runs on her own schedule. There are times she whips around so fast it makes me head spin, but too bad for the rest of us if we need her to do something quickly!

LucindaF said...

I like that girl. She and Logan were made for each other. We call him the mechanic. Because he acts like he gets paid by the hour. S...L...O...W.
Except his mouth, and when he's playing wii, or anything fun. Then he's mind-numbingly fast.

Timani said...

Ivy is such a sweet girl! When we carpooled, she was the only child, besides Seth that could buckle themselves and I REALLY appreciated that.

I am a military style mom. I probably would have stared in the parking lot also and thought, "Whew, is isn't only me!"

Bugs said...

I have one like that and it drives me bananas. I can't handle it. It seems that the more I urge to go quick the slower she goes. AHHHH.