Monday, May 24, 2010


It has been a great day and Mom has prepared a great meal, set the table, and called the kids. The kids enter the kitchen, and take their seats with minimal arguing. All is peaceful. Ivy is asked to say the prayer. She quietly folds her arms and begins:

Ivy: "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day and for helping us stay safe. Please bless the food. Please give us blessings. Except for Ethan...OOWWWW Mooom let GO of my ARM! Where are you taking me?"

Mom drags Ivy by the arm to a corner and looks at her.

Ivy continues: "But he said he didn't WANT blessings!"

Everyone starts trying not to laugh out loud (except Ethan) as we remember the LAST time Ivy said the prayer:

Ivy: "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day and for helping us stay safe. Please bless the food. Please give us blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."

Ethan: "Ivy WHY do you always ask Him to give us blessings. It's so stupid to just say give us blessings. You should be more specific."

A fight ensued and Mom broke it up by saying no one was allowed to talk about Ivy's prayers anymore.

I guess she got the last word. But I don't think (hope) she'll do that again...


Bugs said...

Oh to be a little fly on the wall at your house! What a riot that would be.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! :)