Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Funnies

Ethan: "Mom, when Dad dies do I get the golf clubs? Because he has a nice wooden driver. They don't make those anymore." Which is funny because he's never been golfing for real. Ever.

Ivy: "MOM, I need to tell you something important! If you are by a volcano and you see some part of the volcanic stuff that looks black DO NOT put your foot in it or else it will burn up your whole leg!!" Good to know--now I will be extra cautious around volcanoes!

Ivy, when we were paying a bill at the hospital and she was too "busy" for my liking so I was taking her by the arm and putting her on a spot on the wall: "You're HURTING me!! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HURT ME! OW!" Seriously, all I could think of at the time was how much I WANTED to hurt her at that moment! Then she sat on the wall and smiled nicely at the receptionist.

When I went to call the kids for dinner I found Ivy and three friends shrink-wrapped to a light post. Good times.


Eva Aurora said...

Your Ivy cracks me up every time I talk to her. What a character.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. It was all funny but SHRINK WRAP? Wow! :) Gonna be laughing for days over that one...

Bugs said...

Those are good times. The 'you're hurting me' story sounds like an experience my friend had in sacrament meeting. When all is quite her daughter cries/yells, "Daddy hurt me. I want Mommy!"
I know some day that will happen to me. I'm counting down...