Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Letter to Eva's Teacher

Dear Mr. Becker,

I saw/observed/glanced at/perused/gazed/watched/looked/touched/approved/noticed/ appreciated/complimented Eva's fantastic/great/fabulous/marvelous/flawless/ satisfactory/super/super duper/wonderful/amazing/excellent/superior/superb report card.
Linnea Olcott

Eva said I could only write one sentence with six words. I couldn't decide which words to use so I gave you options. She won't be happy when she's sone practicing and gets this but I think we've established that doesn't bother me. In fact, I enjoy it because I think when she gets that exasperated "You're so embarrassing!" look that it's cute and it's a parent's prerogative to embarrass their preteen/teenager to make up for the first three years of life....mostly the third year. You should read my blog--good stories there.

Uh oh--she's coming.

The next day Ethan needed a note saying that I had read his report card and it went something like this:

"Dear Mr. Peterson: I saw Ethan's report card. I would write more but the boy is more clever than the girl and I have run out of paper."

It's true--Ethan brought me a leeeetle piece of paper for his note. Smart boy!

Eva was mortified when her teacher read her note out loud to the class. The next morning at the gym a fifth grade teacher saw me and said, "By the way, you get the award for best parent letter of the decade! That's the BEST parent letter I've read--so funny!" Mr. Becker had shared the letter with several teachers as well and while he let me borrow it so I could blog it for Eva's children to read one day he was very adamant that we return it...I have to send it back to school tomorrow.


Lisa said...

That's the best! I still think you should write a book.

Garity said...

Ha Ha Ha! All I get to do for their report cards is sign on the line. This is HILARIOUS! I'm so glad his teacher shared it with the other teachers because you deserve the recognition for this!!!!