Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm From Venus He's From.... #2

I'm working on hemming pants for Vince for a Scout training that starts tomorrow. He had marked a pair and I started with those, planning to finish, measure the inseam, and then hem the next pair. I was a little concerned when I finished because the pants seemed shorter than the ones I hang each week so I pulled a pair of pants he wears most days and measured the inseam to compare. I had just finished a pair that measured 30" and the ones he normally wears are 31" so I called him to ask about how he marked them. I started by explaining:

Me: "Vince, I just finished a pair of your pants so I measured them and measured a pair you normally wear and these look an inch too short."

Vince: Nothing.

Me: "The ones I sewed have an inseam of 30" but the ones you normally wear measure 31". Does that sound right?"

Vince: "Yeah."

Me: "OK but why would these pants be shorter?"

Vince: "Because the others are longer."


One Fish said...


One Fish said...

This made me laugh and I made Scott read it. Then I laughed all the harder when he didn't get what was funny about it.

Linnea said...

When Vince said it I laughed out loud and he was just very quiet and didn't understand why I was laughing either. I'm still giggling that Scott didn't get it!