Tuesday, December 4, 2012


The Christmas season is definitely my favorite time of the year!  Between last week and Christmas a member of our family will perform somewhere 3-4 times a week between now and Christmas.  I love it!  Eva gets to play the most--she will play on Temple Square three times, at Primary Children's, nursing homes, church, school a few times, etc.  Vince sang on Temple Square and has a few other things.  I got to play at our community's Santa Parade and I am looking forward to a couple of church things.  Christmas music is great!

We decorated our tree, set out our nativities, and hung a few lights outside.  Still--there is no snow!!  I'm starting to worry because we really need snow.  In the meantime I go out in the yard most Saturdays and fill a trash can with ornamental grass cast-offs, weeds, leaves, etc.  I love working outside when it's a little chilly.

Eva went to California with her cross country team.  She had a blast!  Her favorite part of the trip was a visit to Disneyland.  She came home with a little fever and huge amount of schoolwork complicated by the choir and orchestra teachers pulling her out of classes more this week but I can tell she is loving it!  

Ethan is loving that he doesn't have to perform any Christmas music this year but lamenting the fact that he has so many opportunities to attend music concerts.  He was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society and they are keeping them busy with service opportunities.  He's still enjoying Science club and sports after school. 

Ivy gets to sing in her school Christmas program--she loves the choir and one of the directors tells me she loves having Ivy there because she is so happy and her face glows while she sings.  There's no question that Ivy oozes personality!  She is ultra responsible with her schoolwork and loves to read!!

Nathan misses piano lessons but he enjoys a little more free time.  I finally hired a tutor to help him with the homework and that's been wildly successful.  A 13-year-old neighbor comes over for an hour each on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I pay her $5 a day) and helps him.  The first day I was excited because when they were finished there was only about 20 minutes of work left.  Every day since they have finished EVERYTHING in the one hour!  I'm so grateful!  I still help Nathan with stuff but it seems like we have time to actually just visit about stuff non-school related.  

Nathan's teacher has timed tests for multiplication and trying as hard as he can Nathan just cannot get all the problems answered in the allotted time.  This was more frustrating for him because kids who do finish it get to have a "free recess".  Which was very frustrating for me.  So I told him if he does his very best I will check him out of school for lunch.  We've been twice--the first time he missed the end of the test by 6 problems and this last time by 4 problems.  I'm grateful I've learned to celebrate progress.  Nathan and I have had delightful lunches together and he's still working where he very nearly gave up.

I know I write more about Nathan--probably because that's where I'm growing more as a person.  And I need to remember what I'm learning so recording it somewhere seems wise.