Friday, February 10, 2012


This morning Ivy was recognized by her teacher as a Chief Example to Others (CEO)  Her teacher, Ms. M writes:

"Ivy is a great CEO student.  She has a true thirst for knowledge, and will not be satisfied until she knows ALL of the answers.  She tackles all problems head on, and is creative when finding her solutions.  Ivy is passionate about her learning, and will defend her answers to almost no end (we're still discussing/debating some answers).  Her resourcefulness in the classroom has proven her point of view many times!  She also is a model citizen in our classroom.  She listens to others and has thoughtful insights to add to writing, problem solving, or discussions.  Never let your passion for learning, and that drive to find the right answers, leave you.  It's powerful stuff!  Every teacher will love it!"

I'm very fond of this teacher.  She's new to our school and very young but I love pretty much everything about her teaching style, organization of the classroom, interactions with the students,...  I was impressed this fall when I first met her as Ivy's teacher and the more time I spend working at the school the more I find to like.  She's quite remarkable!  She's been great for Ivy who has literally blossomed this year.  She's matured so much and has learned to love learning--she hasn't always--I believe she's inspired by this teacher.  We're noticing a difference at home, too.  Like tonight, for example.  I had to drive to speech because the other car in the carpool was broken.  Generally, I'm home Friday when it's Ivy's night to cook.  I forgot to remind her this morning that it was her turn and I also left the cell phone at home so I couldn't call to remind her.  I didn't see her after the CEO meeting before school and I also didn't leave a note or tell her where any of the ingredients I purchased for her meal were.  So I was prepared to let everyone have sandwiches tonight and supervise Ivy's cooking tomorrow night.  I was so pleased to come home (and it's been a looooong day--one of those days) to find a warm meal on the table, which was set and ready for the family.  She baked chicken drumsticks, oven potatoes, cooked some green beans and added salad.  She had to wash, cut and season those potatoes.  We're very proud of Ivy!  It's a blessing when the kids become more responsible than their mother--maybe I don't need the cell phone anymore!!

1 comment:

One Fish said...

I'm pretty sure I need to enroll my kids (and possibly myself) in the Linnea cooking school. That is so awesome.