Monday, February 7, 2011

Famous Last Words

Has anyone else ever noticed themselves deciding for sure how something was going to be and then learning it wasn't meant to be that way?  And I swear sometimes the universe has a real sense of humor.

1.  "I'm going on a mission--before I get married." 
           I can't count how many times I said this because I was so certain that's how it would be.

2.  "I'll never have hairy legs."
          Yeah--I remember thinking this to myself as a teenager.  I think of it now because I swear my teenage daughter has thoughts along these lines at time.....when she sees my hairy legs.  I remember when things like shaving legs seemed soooo important and now I look down after 5 days and think "how did THAT happen?"

3.  "My kids will never act like that in public."
         Ha ha--very funny.  The fact I used to think this proves I deserve my too smart for their own good kids.  If you need a refresher on how this turned out look at Sunday Shenanigans.

4.  "If my kids did act like that in public I would..."
      You probably want to know what I thought I would do--so do I. I probably never thought that through due to #3.

5.  "I'll never like chick flicks."
        I don't know what happened to me but in the last year I've discovered I like romance stuff.  I know.  Weird.

6.  "I'm going to post pictures on my blog this year." 
         See?  Now you don't have to wonder what happened.  I declared I would and so I haven't.  This is why my New Year's Resolution is to make no New Year's Resolutions.  I'm just going to make a goal each morning.

7.  "I'm going to run today!"
        My goal for this morning!  I've been looking forward to it since Saturday when I promised myself I would run on Monday.  Only I should have looked at my calendar because I wasn't thinking.  In addition to the 4.5-5 hours of piano teaching today (at three different times of the day) I'm also helping with Eva's orchestra at school and have to plan my FHE lesson.  Which is, of course, why I'm spending all this time blogging.  It makes no sense to me either so I guess I'd better wrap it up.

8.  "We're done having babies."

--------See?  I have a sense of humor too--take that universe!!

Just to clarify--I'm not pregnant......


One Fish said...

I'm glad you clarified because I almost screamed when I saw #8. I totally thought you were prego. Very brave to taunt the universe!

Linnea said...

I only taunt because I know I can take it. It's too quiet at my house during the day and a baby wouldn't be terrible. We just don't feel that there are any babies for us now and I can take that too. Now I'm not just taunting I'm evil laughing the universe!!

Amy said...

Love it! I thought you were making an announcement, too!!